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User Guide

Hotline is a desktop app for managing personal task list and it is optimized for use via a Command Line Interface (CLI) while still having a Graphical User Interface (GUI). Hotline can organize your task list much faster than GUI apps if you can type fast.

Quick Start

  1. Check that you have installed Java 11 or above in your computer.
  2. Download the latest hotline.jar from here.
  3. Copy the jar file to the folder you want to use as the root folder of your task management app.
  4. Double-click the jar file to start the app. A GUI similar to below will appear in a few seconds. Welcome Image
  5. Type the command in text box on the bottom of the GUI and press Enter or click on Send button to execute the command.
  6. Refer to the Features below for the full details of the commands.


Add Task

Adds new tasks to the task list.

Types of task that can be added are:

  1. todo - Create New To-Do Task

    Command format:

    todo <string: description>


    todo Finish CS2103T Project


  2. deadline - Create New Deadline Task

    Command format:

    deadline <string: description> /by <string: yyyy-mm-dd>


    deadline CCA Registration /by 2020-09-14


  3. event - Create New Event Task

    Command format:

    event <string: description> /at <string: yyyy-mm-dd>


    event Application Release /at 2020-09-18


Delete Task

Deletes no longer wanted tasks from the task list.

delete - Delete Task From List

Command format:

delete <integer: task number>


delete 1


List Tasks

Lists all tasks inside the task list.

list - List All Tasks

Command format:





Update Task

Updates existing tasks’ details.

Types of details that can modified are:

  1. description
  2. time
  3. completion status

update - Change Task Details

Command format:

update <integer: task number> description <string: new description>

update <integer: task number> time <string: yyyy-mm-dd>

update <integer: task number> mark <integer: 1 for done or 0 for not done>


update 1 description NUS Angklung CCA Registration


Find Tasks

Finds tasks that contain a specific keyword.

find - Find Tasks From List

Command format:

find <string: keyword>


find Release


Save Tasks

Saves the task list to the hard disk.

The data is saved on [root_directory]/tasks.txt

The task list is automatically saved every time the user add, update, or delete a task.

Do Task

Does task and mark as completed.

done - Mark Task As Completed

Command format:

done <integer: task number>


done 2


Exiting The Program

Exits the application.

bye - Exit Application

Command format:





Command Summary

Action Format, Examples
Add to-do todo <string: description>
e.g. todo Finish CS2103T Project
Add deadline deadline <string: description> /by <string: yyyy-mm-dd>
e.g. deadline CCA Registration /by 2020-09-14
Add event event <string: description> /at <string: yyyy-mm-dd>
e.g. event Application Release /at 2020-09-18
Delete delete <integer: task number>
e.g. delete 1
List list
Update update <integer: task number> description <string: new description>
update <integer: task number> time <string: yyyy-mm-dd>
update <integer: task number> mark <integer: 1 for done or 0 for not done>
e.g. update 1 description NUS Angklung CCA Registration
Find find <string: keyword>
e.g. find Release
Done done <integer: task number>
e.g. done 2
Bye bye